I know this is late already but it's better late than never. hehe My dear blogging buddy Lynn tag me with this meme which I appreciate for her thoughtfulness. Thanks sis! ^_^
***start copy***
1) Once you're tagged, install the corner banner at your blog as a third party html code. (The corner banner need to stay at your blog for at least 2 weeks).
2) Post about this meme,Valentine's Love.
3) Add your blog/s with link/s to the Valentine's Lovers list and leave a comment at this post HERE.3) Tag all your special friends.
4) Please remember to update your list regularly so that you would not miss out anyone in your Valentine's Lovers list.
p/s: The wordings on this banner with automatically changed to 'Tagged with Love! xoxo' on Feb 15.Get the code of the corner banner and the instruction on how to install it in blogger ---> HERE
1) Once you're tagged, install the corner banner at your blog as a third party html code. (The corner banner need to stay at your blog for at least 2 weeks).
2) Post about this meme,Valentine's Love.
3) Add your blog/s with link/s to the Valentine's Lovers list and leave a comment at this post HERE.3) Tag all your special friends.
4) Please remember to update your list regularly so that you would not miss out anyone in your Valentine's Lovers list.
p/s: The wordings on this banner with automatically changed to 'Tagged with Love! xoxo' on Feb 15.Get the code of the corner banner and the instruction on how to install it in blogger ---> HERE
Valentine's Lovers
1.A Great Pleasure 2.Time Goes By 3.Listen With Your Heart 4.Glossalicious 5. Wishing on a Falling Star 6. Mariuca's Perfume Gallery 7. Simply Shinade 8. A Simple Life 9. Mommy's Little Corner 10. Ramblings of the Phat 11. 0007 Undercover TAGMEMAWARD CAT 12. Notes by Marvic 13. Maiylah's Snippets 14. Picture Clusters 15. This is a Miracle 16. purplefrogcat 17. Also Mommy 18. Both Sides Now 19. illusionaire 20. Candles, Crafts and Whatnot 21. The Brainy Bimbo 22. Sweet Nothings 23. Turn-u-Off24. Twinkletoe Writing Space 25. Lynn's Chic Spot 26. Michelle's Life here and there
***end copy*
I want to spread the love too those who are listed in my links and are interested. ^_^
elow mitch!
thank u for posting this. korek! better late than never jud. haha.
belated happy valentine! mwahugs!
Hi Michelle, this looks like fun i'll tag along :-)
lynn: you're welcome! :)
orville: no probs. :)
hi michelle! thanks for spreading the Valentine's Love. I've added you to the list at no.64. :)
Have a great day! :)
thanks and you're welcome. :)
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